This web page supports the paper:
Please cite the paper if you use the data below.Capra JA, Pollard KS, and Singh M (2010) Novel genes exhibit distinct patterns of function acquisition and network integration. Genome Biology, 11:R127. [Paper] [Supplemental Material]
- Classification of S. cerevisiae genes by age and origin [Download]
This file gives the age/origin assignment for each non-dubious ORF used in the main text of the paper. Lines starting with "#" are comments. Each ORF is assigned an age from {pre-WGD, WGD, post-WGD} and an origin from {novel, duplicate}. This classification is based on data from the Yeast Gene Order Browser and the Princeton Protein Orthology Database. Please see the paper for full details. - Additional classifications
We generated a large number of additional classifications of genes in to age and origin groups based on different data sets and assumptions. These results are described in the Supplemental Material. Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining any of these classifications.